Downtown North Bay & Waterfront (DIA)

The North Bay Downtown Improvement Area was created by By-Law No. 144 in 1977. The Mission Statement "To preserve and develop the heart of North Bay" was adopted by the DIA in 1995 and remains their primary objective. The Downtown Improvement Area works to achieve this goal. Downtown North Bay concentrates on tourism, business retention and expansion, and promotions. Festivals and special events are held at various times throughout the year in an effort to increase traffic levels, enhance the profile of the Downtown and strengthen investor confidence in the Downtown core.


Amber Livingstone, Executive Director
Address: 205 Main Street East, North Bay, Ontario P1B 1B2
Telephone: 705-472-8480 ext 233
Email Address:
Facebook: /@DowntownNorthBay
Instagram: /downtownnorthbay


Weekday Hours: 9 AM to 4 PM
Saturday Hours: Closed
Sunday Hours: Closed
