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After nearly 40 years, we're embarking on another project in the Downtown to revitalize Main Street. The last major renovations to Main Street were completed during the 1980s and much of the surface infrastructure has reached the end of its life and requires replacement. This includes interlocking brick roadways and sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, retaining walls, stairs, railings, benches, and lighting.  

The first phase of the reconstruction began in May of 2023. The work will take place on Main Street from Sherbrooke Street to Cassells Street and on Ferguson Street from Main Street to Oak Street.

Work will include an enhanced streetscape treatment to better integrate the downtown with the waterfront. Elements such as concrete accents, new furnishings, festoon lighting, signage, banners, and new trees will create an enhanced pedestrian experience and contribute to retail vibrancy. 

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Visit the BUSINESS DIRECTORY and use the Downtown Dollars filter to learn which businesses accept Downtown Dollars.

Downtown North Bay is a Business Improvement Area (BIA).

Click to watch a VIDEO and learn what a BIA is.

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Graffiti & Litter, Parking, Filing a Claim, Roads, Waste Collection, Water & Sewer, Zoning Infraction, Complaints & Suggestions.

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Downtown North Bay has so much to see and do. Have you checked out the public art? These are great areas to explore, take selfies, and enjoy the whimsy of some of the artwork.

Check out our Public Art locations on the Downtown North Bay & Waterfront map.

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The office is open Monday through Friday 9am-4pm.

Give us a call at 705-472-8480 x233.

Send us an email to yourdowntownnorthbay@gmail.com

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