Stix & Stones

Stix & Stones is a full service yarn store located at 147 Main Street West in North Bay, Ontario. Stix and Stones specializes in luxury hand dyed yarns from independent and Canadian based yarn companies with an emphasis on natural fibers. Some of our yarn lines include: Americo Original, Sugarbush Yarns, Dragon Strings, Ancient Arts Yarns, Artfil Yarns, Diamond Luxury Collection, Ella Rae and many more. We also have a great selection of hand knitting and crochet accessories including Knitter's Pride, Knit Picks and Chiagoo needles, Clover, Knit Picks and Knitter's Pride knitting accessories, as well as Della Q and Pixie Mood bags. Stix and Stones offers drop in knitting classes 3-4 times per week to provide help with current projects or even teach you how to knit and crochet! Visit our Facebook page and website for more information! Shopping available by appointment only on Sundays and Mondays.


Rae Brenne
Address: 147 Main Street West, North Bay, P1B 2T6
Telephone: 705-223-8245
Email Address:
Facebook: /stixandstonesnb/
Instagram: /stixandstonesnb


Weekday Hours: Mondays - by appointment only, Tuesdays 11am-4pm, Wednesdays 11am-5pm, Thursdays-Fridays 11am-5pm
Saturday Hours: 10am-4pm
Sunday Hours: By appointment only
