(For community workers, peer workers, youth, and community members)
Date: Friday, May 2, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Location: 147 McIntyre St. West, Unit 101, North Bay
Register Here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=BTH3ercxlk6MhoidcQj3WuJyGEh271dLtWGOOQNUwgVURFUwVlBOTFhJRjlYRzg3ODAyMEVVRkVQUS4u&origin=QRCode
This educational workshop with Knowledge Carrier Ash Moreau is designed for community workers, peer workers, youth, and community members who want to deepen their understanding of the systemic barriers faced by 2-Spirit people. We will explore the cultural, historical, and social identity of the 2-Spirit people and the legacy of colonization on the community. This session provides a space to engage in meaningful education, conversation, and advocacy for reconciliation and healing.