Click to visit our VOLUNTEER page.
Sign up to volunteer at events, or collect volunteer hours for school.
Click the pic for information on parking in Downtown North Bay.
Click here to visit the City of North Bay's page for additional information on PARKING.
We're launching a new Gift Card program soon. Stay tuned!
The new gift cards can carry a balance, are reloadable, and have an app you can use to track your balance.
Visit the BUSINESS DIRECTORY and use the Downtown Dollars filter to learn which businesses accept Downtown Dollars.
Downtown North Bay is a Business Improvement Area (BIA).
Click to watch a VIDEO and learn what a BIA is.
Click to REPORT A PROBLEM to the City of North Bay.
Graffiti & Litter, Parking, Filing a Claim, Roads, Waste Collection, Water & Sewer, Zoning Infraction, Complaints & Suggestions.
Be a community helper.
Downtown North Bay has so much to see and do. Have you checked out the public art? These are great areas to explore, take selfies, and enjoy the whimsy of some of the artwork.
Check out our Public Art locations on the Downtown North Bay & Waterfront map.
Monthly updates about Downtown North Bay & Waterfront right at your fingertips.
To subscribe, CLICK HERE. Your email program should open; you just need to hit send.
The office is open Monday through Friday 9am-4pm.
Give us a call at 705-472-8480 x233.
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